

Did you know that your signature can turn into a speech therapy rehabilitation session for Sima and Sama?

Sima and Sama are twins, 6 years old and from a village near Hebron. Majdoulin, their mother, realized that Sama was deaf when she was 2 years old.
In 2019 she was fitted with a cochlear implant and enrolled in Effetà. Soon after, Majdoulin noticed that Sima also could not hear from her left ear. Sima was also installed the cochlear implant and joined her twin sister at Effetà.
They now attend school together and live in Effetà all week because their home is too far away. It is very difficult for Majdoulin to have them far away but she makes this sacrifice for their sake because she knows that Effetà is a "door of hope" for their future. Majdoulin is proud to hear them speak and interact with them!

Listen to his testimony!

Donate your 5×1000 to the John Paul II Foundation.

In your tax return, enter our tax code 94145440486 and your signature.

To build their future Sima and Sama only need your signature!

5x1000 2023

What is 5×1000?

The 5×1000 is a percentage of IRPEF, the Personal Income Tax, which is calculated based on taxpayers' income. At the time of your tax return, you can choose to give this portion to the John Paul II Foundation instead of paying it to the state, iI all at no additional cost. Donating 5×1000 does not cost anything!

How do you donate?

Find the appropriate tab on the CU form, 730 form, or Individuals form.
1 Enter your tax code and personal information in the taxpayer section.
2 Enter your tax code again at the top of the back of the form;
3 Choice for 5×1000 allocation: Sign in the box "Support of Third Sector Entities..." and enter our tax code, as in the example:

Attention. You can only allocate 5×1000 to one entity, regardless of sector. Do not fill in other fields or you will invalidate your choice!
4 Turn the form in to your CAF or accountant.


Find the appropriate form on the CU form sent to you by your pension provider (Inps, Inpdap etc.)
1 Fill out the form by following the instructions above;
2 Put your signature in the "Reserved for exempt taxpayers" box on the bottom back.
3 Put the ballot in a sealed envelope and insert your first name, last name and tax code with the words "Ballot for the choices for the destination of the eight, five and two per thousand of Irpef"
4 Now you can deliver the envelope to any post office (at no extra charge), to a CAF or to your accountant

What are the deadlines for donating the 5×1000?

The deadlines vary depending on one's tax regime and thus on the type of return. Due to the current health crisis, the government has extended the deadlines in this way:
Deadline for filing 730: Sept. 30, 2023
Deadline for those exempt from filing tax returns: September 30, 2023
Deadline for filing the Unico Income tax form: November 30, 2023

What is the difference between 5 and 8×1000?

The 5×1000 and the 8×1000 are two different portions of the same tax; the 5×1000 can be given to nonprofit organizations like ours, while the 8×1000 can be given to religious denominations. One does not exclude the other, so we suggest you donate the 8×1000 to the Catholic Church and the 5×1000 to the John Paul II Foundation.

For any further questions and information, write us at c.squillantini@fondazionegiovannipaolo.org or call 0575 583077.

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