Author: Viola Nouhi

John Paul II Foundation / Articles posted by Viola Nouhi

"Mark (Mark 7:31-37) presents the miracle performed by Jesus that restores hearing to a deaf man." So begins the President of the John Paul II Foundation, Andrea Bottinelli, speaking about the link between Effetà and the Foundation. "The ancient Aramaic word "Effetà," which means "open," is not only emblematic for fostering communication for the hearing impaired; it is paradigmatic for what the Foundation proposes: to open gazes and intelligences in an area of suffering and exclusion and to feel it as one's own." For more than a five-year period, in fact, the Foundation has been supporting the Bethlehem Institute and the Palestinian girls and boys who find shelter, care and a life project within those walls. "We feel that we belong to the family of the Effetà Institute and, like any belonging, it consumes desires, illusions, joys, achievements, renunciations, failures like any creature, which even if not deprived of hearing, sometimes remains deaf to the perception of silence." continues Bottinelli. The bond between the Tuscan non-profit organization and the Pontifical Institute is now well established....

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