Author: Julia Urban

John Paul II Foundation / Articles posted by Giulia Urban

A relationship of great affection and collaboration has been built over time between the John Paul II Foundation and the Effetà Institute. When it comes to concrete works, in the specific case hundreds of Palestinian hearing-impaired children and youth in urgent, and sometimes desperate, need of care and assistance, certain loyalties can also be weighed and measured....

One of the fruits of Paul VI's "pilgrimage" to the Holy Land was a commitment to create realities capable of fostering a dialogue based on knowledge and promoting an ever better understanding of one's own identity precisely in confrontation with other religious traditions, beginning with the different Christian denominations, especially those that enrich the Catholic Church....

On December 4, 1963, in his closing address to the Second Session of the Second Vatican Council, Paul VI announced to the Council Fathers his intention to make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Paul VI wanted to invite everyone, not only Catholics, to rethink the centrality of the life of Jesus Christ and the birth of the Christian experience for the witness of the Word of God in the world....

Since the appearance of the first internal clashes, which would degenerate into the civil war, which still bloody Syria, the voices of ecumenical bodies have been raised to condemn all forms of violence, to call for dialogue for peace in justice, to activate all forms of welcome for refugees and to promote solidarity projects in and for Syria....

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