Beirut: the emergency continues
The explosion that destroyed Beirut on August 4 continues to this day to greatly affect the lives of our brothers and sisters in Lebanon. Even before the catastrophe, Lebanese had already seen an 80 percent increase in food costs, but now there is also a shortage of food because the blast destroyed grain reserves stored at the port. The city's water supply was damaged and even now in some areas there is a need for drinking water, personal hygiene kits as well as masks and disinfectants. Several hospitals have been razed or partially destroyed, while those still standing are overcrowded due to COVID-19, not to mention that health care in Lebanon is fee-for-service and to date it has become virtually impossible to find medicines or access basic medical care. Many houses are still at risk of collapse, thousands and thousands of people are still sleeping on the streets and in need of shelter, clothes and blankets. Among them, there are about 80,000 children left homeless, who not only need the basic necessities, but also need interventions aimed at providing education and psychological support.
Our partners immediately took action to respond to the countless needs present. The John Paul II Foundation responded immediately, helping the youth of the "Marian Apostolic Group" who took to the streets armed with brooms and shovels to remove debris from the streets and homes, but it is not enough. More needs to be done because the families who turn to us are growing every day, the needs are multiplying, and we cannot turn away.
That is why we are financially supporting "Messaige De Paix" and "Equal," two associations that are engaged in the distribution of food and hot meals and are assisting people to find shelter, blankets and clothes suitable for the winter season that is coming. Thanks to "Insan" and the "Associazione San Vincenzo de Paoli" we are instead taking care of the health part, with the delivery of medicines, hygiene kits and supplies for children and infants (powdered milk and diapers). So the Foundation is already present and active in the field and we are working to organize, again with the help of these valuable collaborators, future interventions of school and psychological support for children.

John Paul II Foundation
Project start date:
1 year
Project Status: