
John Paul II Foundation / News (Page 5)

On July 21, 2023, the John Paul II Foundation received the status of an International Organization Validated by "CAF International Global Charity Database." Charities Aid Foundation America is an organization that allows U.S. companies, associations and citizens to make donations to organizations around the world, guaranteeing them on the one hand a tax deduction and on the other hand the solidity and transparency of the charities they accredit. CAF America went through the entire exhaustive process of verifying and reviewing the organizational chart, mission, financial status and business plan of the John Paul II Foundation, recognizing it as eligible for inclusion in its database. The John Paul II Foundation will henceforth be able to receive donations from U.S. donors through CAF America. This is a very important milestone in continuing to improve the lives of the most fragile people in the Middle East, Italy and everywhere in the world. ...

John Paul II Foundation asks for help for earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria. The earthquake that has destroyed large parts of Turkey and Syria has forced many people to flee their homes and remain without access to goods and services. In the affected regions at the moment, temperatures are very low and food is lacking. In particular, the city of Aleppo, which has been tried by more than 12 years of war, is at the end of its strength. The international community is already helping those affected by the earthquake. The John Paul II Foundation is also close to the earthquake-affected people and has been working in the affected areas for years. In Anatolia, where Florentine Bishop Father Paolo Bizzetti is working, and in the city of Aleppo, where Franciscans have been present for more than eight centuries, through Father Firas Lutfi, who is responsible for the Custody of the Holy Land in that area. Both Bishop Bizzeti and Father Lutfi are known in the...

Civil service offers an opportunity for 4 volunteers to work for the Foundation in Italy and Lebanon. To apply, visit the dedicated website. The SCU FOCSIV projects in the call act in different sectors and areas of activity, from education to sustainable development, from health development to the protection of the fragile, from rural development to the promotion of human rights and beyond. Aspiring volunteer workers should apply through the Application on Line (DOL) platform at In the section how to apply you can find all the information useful for the application and for any doubts or guidance young people can contact the organizations promoting the projects or the FOCSIV Training, Volunteering and Civil Service Office is available at and at 06 - 6877796. The Civil Service is #AnAchoiceofValue, an experience of growth, a choice of active participation and global citizenship. Fifty years after the Law on Conscientious Objection, we...

Call for the selection of 56,205 volunteer operators to be employed in projects related to universal civil service intervention programs to be implemented in Italy, abroad, in the territories of the regions covered by the National Operational Program - Youth Employment Initiative (PON-IOG "Youth Guarantee" - Measure 6 bis) and in specific intervention programs for the experimentation of "Digital Civil Service"...

The first shipment of humanitarian aid bound for Beirut, Lebanon, left late last week. The John Paul II Foundation, together with the Focolare Movement, has collected donations in recent months to purchase and send medicines and powdered milk....

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