Author: Maria Arias

John Paul II Foundation / Articles posted by Maria Arias

It is December 25, 2023, Christmas Day. In the mental photograph that is imprinted in everyone's head, the image that appears in our foreground is that of our family, finally reunited and happy around a set table. That same day in Zuara, off the coast of Libya, in the moments when we were laughing punctuating the time between a glass of wine and a gift to unwrap, Dylan (fictitious name for privacy reasons) was swimming through the furious waves of the sea, desperately trying to get on a barge with his children and his wife. With water at his throat and his arms raised to the sky, almost as if in prayer, he held his two- and four-year-old children aloft to protect them from the stormy sea and lead them to the boat. After a strenuous struggle against the current, Dylan managed to reach the...

On Thursday, Sept. 19, FGP2 celebrated an important milestone for a number of guests of reception centers in Tuscany: 6 of them obtained the Italian language diploma "CILS A2 Integrazione." This is a crucial step toward integration and social inclusion as it provides students with useful tools to improve their autonomy and participation in the community. The elegant and excited students celebrated with joy, showing their commitment to learning the Italian language. Special thanks went to Francesco, course leader, for his passion and dedication in leading the group. During the event, Benedetta Manocchio, founder of the "iLOL" school that made the graduations possible, thanked the students, expressing pride in their journey. She, in addition, shared a touching memory from a few years ago when she worked at the center as a teacher. During a class, the crying of an infant interrupted the course and to allow the...

Florence, Sept. 3, 2024 The John Paul II Foundation joins the initiative promoted by some Florentine parishes to call for peace, "If you want peace, prepare peace." We reproduce the poster that the communities have prepared to invite everyone to Isolotto for Sunday, September 15. The John Paul II Foundation, which has been working in the Middle East for more than twenty-five years, joins the invitation to participate in the prayer meeting for peace, promoted by some Florentine parishes, for Sunday, September 15 in the Isolotto square in Florence. The Foundation fully endorses what the parish communities wrote, "Peace will never be the fruit of distrust, the fruit of walls, of weapons pointed at one another. St. Paul says, "Each one will reap what he has sown" (Gal 6:7). Brothers and sisters, our civilizations right now are sowing destruction, fear. Let us, brothers and sisters, sow hope! Let us be sowers of hope" (Pope Francis). Pope Francis was one of the first to declare that...

Taking in families, in our case of asylum seekers, also means having to take care of children, and this is precisely the biggest, but also the most interesting challenge we face: the youngest children represent, in fact, the future of the nuclei we host and their great opportunity to improve their situation and build a very different tomorrow from what their lives have been so far. This is why one of the priorities of the John Paul II Foundation has always been the schooling of our children. The results obtained are truly noteworthy: over the years, the work of the operators has made it possible to create a fruitful collaboration with the schools of Montevarchi and Fiesole in Tuscany that sees a constant dialogue between operators, teachers and educators. This year as many as 9 children will be enrolled in Montevarchi schools, while in Fiesole there will be 14. This is a step...

After the summer vacation of 2023, we had started the new school year with great enthusiasm, organizing creative teaching activities to engage our hearing-impaired pupils in the learning process. Unfortunately, after only a month, we had to close the school due to the ongoing war. Despite the difficulties, in January, we bravely reopened the school even though due to the conflict and road restrictions, only a few pupils were able to return to the Institute, because many of them come from countries and villages far from Bethlehem and cannot pass the strict controls around them. This situation caused us great pain and frustration, but we did not give up. We met with the children's families and decided to start again, slightly adjusting the teaching disciplines to make up for lost time and continue the training-education of our deaf children. After the Christmas holidays, it was heartwarming to see all the pupils return to...

The "Inclusi di diritto!" project, funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, has been underway in Iraq since September 2022. The project takes place in the cities of Basra and Baghdad and involves three preschools accommodating 665 boys and girls. The main result was to have strengthened the skills of 62 teachers, providing them with the necessary tools to stimulate and accompany children in the early years, which are crucial for physical, mental and behavioral development. The project also improved the educational environment in Basra's preschools by making children's learning more appropriate, thanks to innovative applied teaching methodologies and improved educational environments and related materials. In an Iraq devastated by years of armed conflict, children have great difficulty in accessing quality education. This is predominantly provided by Christian schools, which, as they do not receive government support, are inaccessible...

The John Paul II Foundation, in collaboration with the Municipality of Terranuova Bracciolini, the Municipality's Social Services, Caritas of Terranuova Bracciolini, Auser and Misericordia di Terranuova Bracciolini, has launched an innovative co-housing project at an apartment confiscated from the Mafia. This project marks a significant step toward social inclusion and represents the beginning of true co-planning to respond in an integral way to the needs of the community. The co-housing project is designed to address both the housing emergency and the need for temporary support for people who need a period of support before they can continue their integration journey independently. This shared living environment meets the needs of the participants by providing them with a unique opportunity to live in a common space that promotes cooperation and a sense of community. Welcomed families are also expected to actively participate as volunteers in local associations, contributing to greater integration...

The John Paul II Foundation, in collaboration with the Assisi International Peace Center (CIPA project leader co-financed by AICS), has launched a project to support small-scale farmers in Burkina Faso. The initiative is focused on creating sustainable incomes and food security for the country's poorest people. Through this project, a center will be established that will enable 13 local agricultural cooperatives to manage their production according to the quality standards required by supermarkets. This will enable the producers to obtain a much higher remuneration than that available in the rural market, greatly improving the economic conditions of the families involved. The goal is not only to ensure adequate food resources, but also to provide a stable income that can sustain the well-being of the families. In addition, this initiative aims to create development opportunities within local communities, thereby reducing the need to migrate in search of...

The story of the death of Indian farm laborer Satnam Singh, which occurred in the province of Latina, leaves a deep bitterness in anyone who still possesses a modicum of conscience because of the accompanying inhumanity. Faced with an injured and dying man, there are those who do not know how to go beyond their own petty interests and do not think about what they can do to save that life, but act only with the intent to save themselves. This horrible story should make us reflect on the kind of society we are building, where the other counts for nothing, even in the face of death, and only self-interest matters. The affair is also yet another demonstration of the failure of the laws wanted by then Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, passed in 2018 and only partially amended during the Conte 2 government. Those laws, with their restrictive regulations, led to the creation of hundreds of thousands of illegal foreigners, deprived of any...

[vc_row][vc_column width="2/3"][vc_column_text]Contesto: In un contesto rurale con gravi fragilità socio-economiche, caratterizzato dalla dipendenza dall'agricoltura stagionale e di sussistenza, dalla mancanza di filiere agricole sostenibili, dalla carenza di una visione strategica per lo sviluppo e dalla scarsa accessibilità a risorse come elettricità e acqua, il progetto mira a promuovere lo sviluppo umano attraverso l'inclusione sociale, la prosperità economica, l'innovazione e la responsabilità ambientale. Obiettivo Il progetto mira a garantire che le comunità rurali aumentino la loro capacità di affrontare situazioni difficili legate all'ambiente e alle difficoltà economiche (che causano insicurezza alimentare, disoccupazione e povertà estrema). Per fare ciò, attiva un sistema di sostegno comunitario che utilizza l'energia solare per migliorare la sicurezza alimentare, l'istruzione e la salute. Inoltre, sostiene i piccoli produttori agroalimentari per creare nuove opportunità di lavoro e per accedere a mercati più redditizi e ben organizzati. Attività  -Attivazione di sistemi di governance per la gestione associata della filiera agroalimentare e il controllo qualitativo. - Realizzazione...

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