Presentation of the book "Pilgrim of Peace" by Father Ibrahim Faltas
A presentation of the book "Pilgrim of Peace" will be held on June 8 at 5 p.m. at the seminary lecture hall in Fiesole.
Pilgrim of Peace, by Father Ibrahim Faltas, collects his writings published in the journal of the John Paul II Foundation, Colloquia Mediterranea. Alongside these articles are collected here some of his e-mails sent to friends over the years about his many trips to Italy and the Middle East. Father Faltas is a tireless pilgrim, who, like St. Francis, meets and dialogues with all the people he meets. He deals with the everyday situations of life, sometimes beautiful, other times complex and delicate, such as those experienced by many people in the Middle East.
His articles are short, written in a journalistic style, and we decided not to weigh them down with notes or comments precisely to keep the writings in their original freshness.
These are pages that help to understand the complex situation in the Middle East, to orient the reader who does not live those realities about the dynamics of certain countries. Much space is devoted to Egypt, Father Faltas' homeland, as well as Israel and Palestine, the land in which he has lived as a protagonist since 1992.
We invite everyone to attend this important event.
Find all the information about the book presentation by clicking this link