
John Paul II Foundation / Agricultural Development / Small Farmers - Empowerment of local date producers-Palestine/Egypt.

Small Farmers - Empowerment of local date producers-Palestine/Egypt.

The project was established with the aim of reducing poverty in the West Bank and Egypt, where the rural population, and especially young people and women, were in dramatic conditions. Thanks to an approach aimed at the enhancement of local skills and professionalism, our action has enabled the productive, managerial and commercial reorganization of date producer cooperatives in Jericho and Giza, through the involvement of local and international partners from the institutional, academic, research and profit and nonprofit sectors, in order to make the entire date supply chain from production to sale more efficient. Directly benefiting from this project were: - 310 date producers who are members of the cooperatives in Jericho and Giza; - 14 employees of the cooperatives and chambers of commerce who will receive training from local and international consultants; - 600 employed in the various stages but especially in the post-harvesting of the product (at least 400 women engaged in the stages of cleaning, disinfecting, drying and packaging product); - 600 producers and officials of the chambers of commerce and public institutions who will participate in the experience exchanges for the presentation of the methodology and replication of the project in other contexts. Among the indirect beneficiaries, on the other hand, we can count: - 10000 family members of the producers involved in the project in the 2 countries; - 20000 Palestinian and Egyptian producers who benefited from the new business services of the chambers of commerce.


Palestine Egypt

Partners and Funders:

Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Project start date:



36 Months

Project Status:


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